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Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude

By Entrepreneurial No Comments


Today I had an interesting conversation with a young up-and-comer who felt his initial job choices might hinder him from achieving his career ambitions—and his current job was veering him slightly off course from that goal. His main concern can be summed up like this: because his current job, and past jobs, weren’t ideally fitting his career vision, he believed his future career options are limited—and as a result—his ultimate career goal wouldn’t be fulfilled.

Certainly, sometimes it can be disheartening when you don’t get the right opportunity that fits your career. But with that, there’s some cases where we get what we want and realize that maybe it wasn’t the best thing for us after all. The truth is, the person I met had an interesting and noteworthy point that I used to struggle with back in the day, but my experience has suggested that that perspective isn’t true—in at least some cases. What I’ve found is jobs that don’t fit your ultimate career vision can help you in more ways than you would’ve initially anticipated. Different jobs broaden your experience, and can diversify your skills. All aspects which can help you attain your career goal. So if you’re an up-and-comer embarking on your career path, think of those positions that navigate you along different channels you hadn’t planned for as the paths that can lead you where you want to go.

As an entrepreneur, you never want to limit yourself just to one skill. If you’ve worked all your life and decide to take the big leap of focusing on your passion and running your own business always be mindful of this: Treat your ‘job’ as a learning experience. Learn how a business operates and take the good out of it to apply it to your own career or business.

Understand that excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude. Regardless of your situation, or stage you are in your career. Stay positive and maintain a great attitude and it will lead you where you deserve to be.


Embrace Uncertainty

By Entrepreneurial No Comments


After all the years working in a professional business realm I’ve tackled  feelings of being uncertain when it came to making tough decisions that I knew would have a direct effect on my vested interests. In the early stages of my career I’d be pestered by a whole lot of tasks that I wasn’t entirely certain on how I should handle—and that lead to a few stumbling blocks along the way that inevitably brought some decent opportunities to a limit.

In result, I started to pay greater attention to how my feelings of uncertainty were making my aspirations and career a whole lot harder than I realized they could be. This realization led me to come to terms with the fact that there’s rarely a time, if ever, when you won’t be at least a little uncertain; but the catch is: instead of having it work against you, like some burden of weight you carry on your shoulders, you should use it to your advantage. When a tough and complicated decision comes your way, use that uncertainty as the fuel to your fire which propels you to succeed. You’d be surprised. Something that at first comes across as a barrier blocking you from where you want to go, more often than not, is more like a steep set of stairs you can easily climb if you give it an honest go. So there you have it. Embrace those moments when you aren’t sure and don’t hide—you’d be surprised how a little change in perspective can lead you where you want to go.

Ten years from now there will be people who have achieved extraordinary success in every field of endeavor and they definitely won’t be people who have played it safe and stuck to ‘business as usual. Sometimes you need to stretch yourself and risk failure in the process. Don’t get to comfortable. Embrace uncertainty as it will help you realize how much you’re capable of doing.

“Uncertainty can ultimately enrich your life, or diminish it. Embrace it.”

Have a great week.


Trust Your Struggle …

By Entrepreneurial No Comments


Success is a beautiful thing. It really is. At times I look back and tell myself, “Thank God I kept going”. I can’t lie, it was never easy at all. At times, I thought of giving  up but in all actuality I actually continued to keep going. As you can see I’m still here. Still going. Still moving …

The journey is always a rewarding one. It moulds you into the person you want to be. Experience is everything and regardless of what naysayers may tell you don’t trust their words, trust your struggle instead.

Every day I wake up with a new found energy because my passion drives me. I love to win! I love watching my company grow. Through my journey I’ve learned so much. Most importantly, I’ve learned that regardless of the past you must focus on the NOW. That’s all you can control.

Never get ahead of yourself, even if you’ve had a history of winning. As history has made evident, even the little guy can take the big guy down. Take time each day to starve your ego and feed your soul. Sacrifice will take you where you truly want to be. Be true to yourself and ask yourself what your vices are and get rid of them! Let go of negative energy, because it won’t do any good for you other than weigh you down.

On a positive note, if you’ve started you’re way ahead of anyone who hasn’t started trying. Life is a beautiful struggle—it truly is. There will be set backs. There will be stumbling blocks along the road. Pick yourself up and keep your eye on the prize, I guarantee it will be a rewarding experience. Accepting when things are tough, it’s for your benefit in the end; a life lesson that needs to be learned.

I’ll see you at the finish line.


Stick to your vision

By Entrepreneurial No Comments


I read the paper the other day and came to the realization that our current Canadian economy is in a bad space. In fact, our dollar is significantly lower than our neighbours—the United States. This is terrible news, especially during a major event such as the Pan Am Games happening in Toronto. As a business owner, during these hard times, the worst thing you can do is panic.

As I’ve grown as a business man the best advice I’ve given myself is to ‘hope for the best, and expect the worse’—this statement has kept me focused and mindful of making smarter decisions, as opposed to acting on impulse. The economy is always changing, and in rare cases we have total control.

People say the best time to start a new company is during an economic downturn. I personally believe this is true. With the mindset of serving people, sometimes economic hardship could be the best time to bring forth a new idea. When starting a business think about the cause. What are you bringing into the market place to serve the people. Find out what your passion is, plan accordingly, and make sure you commit to it – this should be your entrepreneurial mindset.

Never let a lack of money hold you back. The tough economy weeds out those who don’t have the drive to stick through new ventures. If there’s a lot of money out there, anyone can get in the game. You’ll attract more investors and raise more awareness around what you’re building, especially if you’re successful during a tough time. Another aspect is, once you’re able to leverage the resources you have from the time spent to the people you’ve invested in, it can become a great learning experience—setting you up for future success.

Lastly, you have to stay persistent. Ask yourself what you have failed at and your answers may be quite interesting. These things will make you look at things in a different light as you reflect. Don’t ever count on luck, because there’s no plan in luck.

So with that said, make the commitment, find a problem—then solve it. Think BIG, and remember you can’t do it alone. Learn from the best. And don’t forget: be persistent, persevere, and prevail.


Find time Today and for the Future

By Entrepreneurial, Achieving Wealth, Business Insights, Business Growth, Business Health No Comments

As you’re reading this I hope this finds you well. How was your Canada Day? I hope it was relaxing. This day means a lot of things to many different people but for me besides getting a chance to kick back and celebrate the birthday of one of the greatest countries on earth, I like to remind myself how wonderful it is to be in a country where anyone with a dream and a product or service that people need and can afford can compete in the free enterprise system.

This week I want to address an issue I’ve heard leading up to this holiday which is the question of time. I’ve heard this so many times: “but I don’t have time for that”. While it’s true that time is limited, time is our most precious and limited resource, when I start talking to people about why they don’t have enough time, the picture becomes a little clearer as to how they could take their power back and really clean their calendar. I’m going to share with you some of my real time-saving strategies, because ultimately if it’s not on your calendar and if it’s not a routine or a ritual in your life, it will not come into fruition. Whatever you want to create, whether it’s an incredible healthy body or a successful business or whatever it might be – whatever you want to create requires time to be scheduled in your calendar and requires you to actually show up!

If your calendar is full of all kinds of other stuff from other people you’re never going to find time for you, and unfortunately you’re just going to slide into a mediocre boring life. You will become so resentful that you either just resign and say that’s just the way life is, or you get fired up and you hit a bottom and you say I’m never going to let this happen again. Maybe you’re at that place where you’re feeling frustrated that you want to do that creative project or work on your exercise and diet but just don’t have the time. If your ambition is to become successful, time shrinks the more successful you become. I found I had more time when just getting started than I do now with all these pressures and different deadlines. The key is to get your time and calendar right, and here’s how you got to do it. It’s very simple:

Learn to say NO: That’s the word you want to learn. No is how you detox your calendar, because if you look at your calendar and all the time that you’re spending with other people or on projects that you don’t want to be on, you would probably be shocked. Or if you’re honest, how much time are you spending on Netflix, HBO, twitter, Instagram, Facebook, doing things where you just let time pass by? People ask me all the time, how do you manage all those companies and still find time to travel, golf, give back to students and young entrepreneurs? It’s because I’ve become really good at saying the word no to distractions. When you have a hard time saying no, there’s usually two emotional issues. The first one is being okay with letting people down from time to time. You can do this without being out of integrity by being in communication with that person and re-negotiating the timing of when you can be present with them. The other emotional issue is when you create time to work on your projects, usually you’ve been spending so much time focusing on other people that there’s usually unfelt negative emotions inside you that you’ve been running from such as fear, guilt, or anger. We got to work on those emotions, because ultimately if you want to work on yourself and really take your business to the next level, exercise and take your body to the next level, or take your relationship to the next level, you’re going to have to work on yourself.
When you clear your calendar, all those emotions are going to well up, mainly the emotion of fear. Fear of whether it’s going to work out or fear if whether you’re good enough. Then we get to the real issue, which is not time, but rather the negative emotions and fear. How well you manage unfelt negative emotions and fear will determine the quality of your life. If you want to detox your calendar, believe in yourself and develop a daily ritual or a behavior every single day that leans you in the direction of getting all of your goals met.

For me, I need to read and do yoga or work on my body every single day. I always struggled with the time to do both with all the pre bedtime routines so I found that I can perform some stretches while reading every night before I go to sleep. It gives me time to distress and tune out all the distractions before bed so I can have a sound sleep and be recharged for what always seems to be a powerful day. You want to set yourself up so that you can actually do the behaviors and the rituals that make you the most fulfilled.

With that said, that would be my advice for you this week. Really take your calendar back to get the business results you want, the body you want, the relationship you want and ultimately the life you want.



Don’t Back Out!

By Entrepreneurial No Comments

From launching a business, to asking someone out on a date, to kicking an addiction, to going to the gym when you feel lazy or aren’t feeling proud to show off your body…

Life is full of moments where fear can easily take over, and convince you to back out.  I see this everyday with my associates, fellow entrepreneurs and even observing my children.  Whether it’s one of our candidates who we’ve found a dream job for but they become afraid of the change or the uncertainty, to skipping another workout people are constantly backing out.  Today I have a challenge for you and it’s an easy one, simply DON’T BACK OUT.  That’s it.

Next time you feel that fearful voice creeping in, clouding your intentions, sneakily convincing you to back away from the big (or small) step that you KNOW you need to take… tell fear to shut the bleep up. Don’t back down. Don’t slink towards the exit. Don’t back out on yourself.

Lots of people think fear is the opposite of love, or its false evidence appearing real.  Let’s analyze it for a moment because from my experience and studying it from a neurological perspective, fear is the brains way of dealing with uncertainty.  Unless you’re in mortal danger and in that case I would advise you to run!  Most of the time fear is simply anxiety about not having an exact blue print of what’s ahead.  So in fact using fear as a guide out of your comfort zone will often lead to growth and a huge breakthrough so long as you have the courage!  One of my favorite Anthony Robbins quotes is that, “your happiness directly correlates to your relationship with fear and uncertainty.”

Make a commitment to make today your step into your fear day, and remember:

Don’t back out.



How to not go Cold in the Heat …

By Entrepreneurial No Comments

We’re in the month of June here in Canada. Very exciting in terms of weather, but in business – sometimes things can turn cold. In the summer months there’s vacation time, holidays, and not to mention the attitude to relax and go out and enjoy the ‘heat’. In result, this can make it harder to reach annual goals internally.

When you are selling, getting connected to decision makers is critical. Whether it’s current clients, referrals or cold leads you can’t sell to people you can’t communicate with.

To get the most out of this summer’s selling season, you need to do a few things -differently.

Here are some recommendations that I instill in to practice here at the Wish Group to ensure as a whole we meet our goals and objectives for the quarter:

1. Build your calendar now for the entire summer.

This is very important. Right now in June, these are the times during which making new connections or getting current deals to close are going to be the most difficult. They should include holiday weeks as well as your own vacation weeks.

You’ll need to use those weeks for something other than the final stages of closing or the initial stages of opening new relationships.

2. Talk to key clients now.

I hope you’ve been building and maintaining a rapport on all your prospects. I guarantee that Summer vacations are already on many of your client’s calendars. Get them on your calendar too. Build a relationship by asking about their vacation plans and set up a time to follow- up once they get back so that it’s fresh on their mind in their work week.

3. Think past your buyer to the decision-making network.

Often several people have to sign off on on purchases or proposal approvals. If you don’t know when the key players in your deals will be gone, then your contract can get delayed. Ask the right questions to get the information you need to ensure you can close the deal and within your desired time frame.

4. Use the summer to set up for the fall.


As a result, the transition from summer to fall is like shifting from first gear to fifth in about a two-week period.  Use the summer for planning so you can set yourself up for this burst of activity between Labor Day and Thanksgiving. Your goal should be to make your goals and obtain your bonuses by the end of the fiscal year. Don’t wait. Start now!

5. Consider syncing your vacation plans.

Try and identify a period during the summer that will be the least productive for you, that may be a good time to take your own vacation. Take that time to recharge so you can be ready during the more high productivity periods.

The highest-level performers always  try to get the most for any investment of time. Looking more strategically at your summer can help you make the best use of your own time.

Have a great week!


Learning is Earning

By Entrepreneurial No Comments


Being an entrepreneur you’re prone to wear many hats. In fact, sometimes you’re called upon to take a role you may have never thought you could do. One thing I’ve taught myself in running a business is that if I don’t know how to do something I’ll either find someone who knows how to do it or learn how to do it myself.

Of course, the most cost-effective way is to learn to do it yourself. For those who are conditioned to think that learning only happens in a classroom, the world of self-learning can be a little scary at first but in order to be successful you’ll sometimes have to teach yourself how to get it done.

Here are a few tips that have helped me learn different skills to be a better success not just individually, but for those around me.

1. Get interested

There must be a problem you need to solve or a reason you’ve thought about learning something new. Your interest in the subject is the essential driver of success. You can’t learn what you do not want to learn. Emotion is an important part of the learning process. If you are even moderately interested in a subject, give yourself  a chance. The key is to get started. If you can create a routine, you may find that the subject grows on you. 

2. Expect problems and you won’t be disappointed.

Don’t expect to understand things at first or even remember them. Things will get clearer as your brain logs with new information. Keep at it, and you will gradually find that things that seem difficult at first, will become second nature with time.

3. Anytime is learning time.

Take full advantage of the Internet and various mobile devices, books and magazines. Anytime is learning time. Remember, you are learning through exposure, not by nailing things down. So the more you learn with experience, the better of you’ll be.

4. Join learning communities.

Join a learning community on the web, where members share their knowledge and experience. Search for the communities that suit your interests and learning style. You will find encouragement, advice and stimulus from fellow learners, as well as from tutors, teachers and coaches. In these communities, you can measure your progress against your own goals, or compare your experience with that of other learners. You can even teach and help others, which is a great way to learn. I love LinkedIn. It’s a great way to connect with like minded individuals and industry related professionals.

Never has it been easier nor more exciting to be a learner. Let constant learning be a major part of your life-style. The rewards will be constant, personally, socially, and professionally.

Remember that learning is always earning. You either WIN or you learn.


Developing Your People

By Success & Inspiration, Self Education, Leadership No Comments

One of the most important roles as a leader is to develop your people into the best that they can be. Development actually starts the day you first meet them and should never stop. Every day is a chance to learn not just about yourself, but those you work collectively with to achieve your goals.

People are your best resource. They can grow your company for the better or for the worse. Because most managers normally progress up through the ranks, they believe they really know and understand people. Successful managers, just like successful people have the ability to adapt their management style to each person who reports to them.

It’s important to understand and analyze your team by taking a look at their development levels. (Self Reliant, Independent, Intermediate, Dependent). As you know, people tend to grow so its your job to lead and be the guide to your people’s success. One leadership/management style that’s assisted in my company’s growth is empowering my employees to do better. Allowing a person to identify, define, manage and plan their activities is very effective – especially to those who are self reliant.

Coach your team all the time regardless of their development level. Focus on improving techniques by reinforcing the principles that you instilled when they were first hired. Remove any interference to keep your team focused and productive.

Here are my top 5 elements to Developing your team:

1) Goal Clarity – Members must understand the team goals and commit their best efforts to achieving them.

2) Recognition/Cooperation – There must be an awareness of each member’s personal strength to the team. Members must be willing to cooperate with one another and make their contributions accordingly.

3) Role Clarity – Responsibilities and expectations for members are clearly spelled out, communicated and acknowledges. Responsibilities are openly discussed and questions clarified.

4) Trust – Members respect the competence of one another, trust and support each other and will come to the aid of a member when problems arise.

5) What’s Important Now! – The leaders keep members focused on what’s important to be successful now. Unnecessary activities are eliminated and the team is sheltered from outside distractions as much as possible.

Hope this helps. Always remember that ‘Knowledge without action is useless!’


You don’t need a title to be a leader.

By Leadership No Comments

This week has been an eventful one! One of our companies, The PEOPLEsource received some great news this week. Our president Teri Scott, was awarded one of the Top 100 Female Entrepreneurs. Can’t stress enough how really proud for Teri all of us are here at The Wish Group. Her bold determination to provide unsurpassed quality of service to every client and each associate we employ has been inspiring.  Teri’s attention to developing people whether our external or internal staff has been a great example for all of us.  This achievement reflects the passion and dedication that her entire team has for people and the business in general.

Personally, I believe none of this would be possible without understanding what it means to be a great leader. Great leadership involves many things. Although I’ve been successful in my career, I strive on working everyday to take the time to inspire others to do what they aspire to do. It’s all about having a great idea and doing what you can to motivate and assemble a team to bring that concept to life. That’s what separates the dreamers from the entrepreneurs.

Here are some key qualities that every good leader should possess, and learn to emphasize:

Ability to Delegate
First and foremost, these are one of the most important tasks of a leader. Understanding your brand and its vision is essential to creating and organizing your business. You have to learn to trust your team or else you might never progress to the next step. Delegating tasks to the appropriate departments is one of the most important skills you can develop as you grow. I find that the key to delegation is identifying the strengths of your team, and capitalizing on them. Allow your team to find our what they enjoy doing, and empower them to do what they love all while working collectively to reach the end goal.

As the saying goes: “miscommunication leads to complication” – I can’t stress that enough. Knowing what you want accomplished may seem clear to you but you must ensure that you explain your vision to your team. It’s extremely important. If you can’t do this then you all won’t be working towards the same goal. Try your best to be accessible. Whether that stems from an open door policy in the office, or making it a point to talk to your staff on a daily basis, making yourself available to discuss ideas and/or issues is essential. Your team will learn to trust and depend on you, and you’ll be more successful as a team.

Try to make a list of values and core beliefs that both you and your brand represent, and post this in your office. Here at the WishGroup we have our core values placed right at the front desk. It’s a reminder of how we should act individually and as a team. By emphasizing these standards, and displaying them yourself, you will hopefully influence the office to follow suit.

Ability to Inspire
Being able to inspire your team is great for focusing on the future goals, but it is also important for the current issues. When you are all mired deep in work, morale is low, and energy levels are fading, recognize that everyone needs a break now and then. Acknowledge the work that everyone has dedicated and commend the team on each of their efforts. It is your job to keep spirits up, and that begins with an appreciation for the hard work. As CEO of the Wish Group, I try my best to commend those who are doing well at their job every day. It’s important, especially for growth!

Positive Attitude
Positive energy attracts positive outcomes. I’m sure we’ve all dealt with negative situations in the workplace. As a leader you want to keep your team motivated towards the continued success of the company, and keep the energy levels up. Everyone on your team is a person. Don’t forget that.

You don’t need a title to be a leader. Take ownership and responsibility for what you do and you’ll be successful. Leadership is defined by results not attributes. Nothing more, nothing less. In closing – “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. —Lao Tzu”
